40th Anniversary Lecture Series: the remaining three out of four lectures available free to Society members. The first, Making Money in Anglo-Saxon England was presented by Rory Naismith of the University of Cambridge, and was held in July


September, Thursday 19th: Dr Michael Bintley, University of Southampton: Trees and Woodland in early medieval England: Texts, Landscape and Material Culture

October, Tuesday 15th: Dr Rik Hoggett, Heritage Consultant: Burial and Belief in Anglo-Saxon East Anglia

November, Tuesday 26th: Prof. Michelle Brown, Professor Emerita, University of London: From East Anglia to the Middle East: Anglo-Saxons and the Exotic


These lectures will be available free to members. The Zoom link will be emailed to you a few days before the event when more information will be sent through.



THE BASIL BROWN MEMORIAL LECTURE will be given by Dr Sue Brunning, British Museum, at The Hold, Ipswich on Saturday 17th  May at 11am. More details to follow